Worm holes Worm holes are the tunnels which interconnected by two or more distant points in galaxies or universe at an instant of a time in past or future. according to physicist they can say that worm holes can exist but we can't see worm holes because the wormholes are the very small tunnels which was open and closed in few seconds or nano seconds. https://amzn.to/3dUpfxV How we can time travel by using worm holes ? A physicst has shown that worm holes can exist: tunnels in curved space-time,connecting two or more distant points ,through which time travel is possible but the worm holes are very small in size or create for nano seconds ,so the time travell is theoritically possible by using worm holes. But don't pack your bags for a trip to other side of the galaxy yet; although it's theoretically possible, it's not useful for humans to travel through, said the author of the study, Daniel Jafferis...
how time travell in fututre or past is possible, science hacks, cosmolgy , time travell fictions , daily hacks